Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Enemy Within

Enemy. Believe me, they're everywhere. How to recognize your potential enemy/backstabber? Well, it's as easy as ABC. :)

  1. They gossip about people around them. Everyone, including the people that they love. So be careful because they might gossip about you too. :) Well, I know normally dudes don't gossip but in some cases, YES they do.
  2. Acting differently around different people, you can't tell their true color.With A, they can be very talkative and outgoing, but with B they seem to be strangely quiet and being so passive. Is it split personality? Hypocrite? Hmm... I'll just let you decide.
  3. Everything about them is so negative. It's like their mind has nothing but negative energy. Like vampire, they suck out all the positive energy within you. They will whine and complain about almost everything. Negatively response to others. Bear in mind that the negative behavior is a reflection of them. It tells you what kind of person they are.
  4. They always talk & act like champion. Like they are way better than others. But in reality, they are just cowards & losers who are afraid to do something on their own.
  5. Is there any difficult person that has become a problem in your life? Someone who is moody, passive, cold, unfriendly, bad-tempered, pessimistic etc. If your answer is yes, you might want to avoid being too close to this kind of person.
I only have 5 listed for you to refer. The rest perhaps you can figure out yourself. You'll never know until you experienced it yourself, right? ;)  But please, don't take this too seriously. This is just for fun. Observing people is fun! So, enjoy your experiment. :D

"We learn our virtues from our friends who love us; our faults from the enemy who hates us." -Sally Kempton

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